Our volunteers are asked to arrive just prior to 10.30am Monday to Friday, then serve tea, coffee and biscuits to members as they arrive. Lunch is served at 12 o'clock volunteers are expected to serve two courses and clear away after each course. There is no washing up as this is done by the kitchen staff. A free lunch is available on request. Usually finishing around 1pm.
So, for 2 and a half per week/month you can make a difference to the lives of our old and in some cases vulnerable residents. In 2017 our volunteers, Day Centre and Day Centre Shop were awarded a Civic Award for their services from Sandhurst Town Council.
If you have just a few hours of availability, feel free to contact Diane Mayhew:
Telephone: 01252 877601.
Email: manager@sandhurstdaycentre.org.uk

Daycentre Shop
The Day Centre is an integral part of the Sandhurst community, providing a valuable facility for our older residents. Volunteering in our shop is both rewarding and satisfying especially knowing that you are helping to support a Day Centre service that has been operating for many years. No experience is necessary, just a friendly personality, a helpful nature and able to be available a few hours a week on a flexible basis.
If you feel you would like to help us, please e-mail administration@sandhurstdaycentre.org.uk with your details or leave a message on 01252 877601 and we will contact you.
Shop Times:
Monday to Friday; 09:30 - 16:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 14:00